Case Studies

Redland Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct

Mount Cotton is a local community apart of Redland City Council that is known for its rural lifestyle with residential pockets within the expansive native bush.

Redland Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct

Sport & Recreation, Strategy & Engagement


In 2017, Redland City Council (Council) acquired a large site in Mount Cotton within the Redland City LGA to develop the Heinemann Road Sporting Precinct (Precinct), which would provide the recreational and sporting needs of the local community while ensuring the protection of the natural habitat. Following this, Council completed a master planning and concept development process to design a high-quality multi-sports precinct that would integrate the area’s existing environmental features. 

Project Goals

Council required an Economic Impact Assessment (EIA) and Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) to analyse the economic potential of the Precinct and the external roadworks along Heinemann Road. This analysis is required so Council has the necessary evidence to apply for future grant opportunities. 

REMPLAN’s Involvement

REMPLAN prepared an economic assessment that clearly articulated the full benefit of the Precinct’s development, including economic impact, return on investment and social benefits. This assessment included: 

  • An analysis of future demand for the new precinct, including demographic change, resident health outcomes, increasing sports participation and strategic alignment. 
  • Identification of key outcomes, such as enabling future population growth, health and social benefits, increased sports participation, events and visitation, and environmental outcomes.  
  • An EIA of the facility’s construction, expected operational model, and future visitation potential. 
  • A CBA to assess the potential benefits of the precinct to the Redland community relative to the cost of constructing and operating the facility. 



Economic impact assessment expects direct and indirect impacts to be: 

  • Construction: Supporting $272.3 million in economic output, $107 million value-added and 210 jobs. 
  • Operating the facility: Support 21 ongoing jobs, $6.0 million in output and $2.6 million value-added. 
  • Visitation: Support $7.7 million in output, 30 jobs and $3.7 million value-added. 

The CBA determined a net present value of $7.8 million and a cost-benefit ratio of 1 : 1.06. 

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