February 05, 2024
Northern Tasmania has experienced historically high levels of residential demand over recent years. Official rebased population data has confirmed that the region has experienced an unprecedented period of growth with notable structural shifts occurring during inter Census years, 2016 and 2021.
The Demand and Supply Report is the final report for the Northern Tasmania Residential Demand and Supply Study (NTRDSS) project. The NTRDSS project includes a housing market assessment, the preparation of population and housing forecasts to ascertain residential demand and whole of region residential land supply auditing.
Project Goals
The objective of Demand and Supply Report is to establish a baseline context for housing across the region. The report aims to identify aspects relevant to housing supply and demand, including factors such as trends in housing supply, estimates of current and future land supply, supply factors in the boarder Tasmanian region, population forecasts, and impact of forecast demand on estimated land supply.
The report aims to provide a quantitative and qualitative evidence base that will identify key issues pertinent to residential supply and demand as well as establishing the level of variation and differentiation that exists across the region.
REMPLAN’s Involvement
REMPLAN supports the Northern Tasmanian Development Corporation by undertaking a residential demand and supply study to establish a baseline context for housing across the region. REMPLAN uses REMPLAN software and desktop analysis to identify trends in housing supply in the region, estimate the current and future land supply, calculate population forecasts, and establish the impact of forecast demand on estimated supply.
The supply and demand for residential land in Northern Tasmania varies significantly across the different assessment areas. While the analysis indicates that most areas have sufficient land to meet the forecast demand for dwellings, there are various uncertainties on both the supply and demand sides.