June 02, 2024
Narrabri Shire faces several challenges in its future development, including changing industry and employment patterns, rising housing costs, and a contracting population base with an ageing profile. However, the shire also has significant potential for growth and innovation, especially in the emerging sectors of renewable energy, agribusiness, tourism, and health care.
Project Goals
The purpose of this project is to provide an evidence-based analysis of the current and projected demand and supply of residential land in the shire and to identify any gaps or constraints that may affect the availability and affordability of housing options for existing and future residents. This information will serve as an evidence base for future planning and advocacy initiatives.
REMPLAN’s Involvement
REMPLAN conducted a residential land supply assessment alongside employment forecasts and an independent set of population and housing forecasts. The purpose of this project is to provide an evidence-based analysis of current and projected demand and supply of residential land in the Narrabri Shire and to identify any gaps or constraints that may affect housing availability and affordability options for existing and future residents.
Narrabri Shire has sufficient vacant land to accommodate demand well beyond the 2046 forecast period. If the total vacant supply is considered, all forecast areas have adequate land supply. However, two forecast regions have been modelled to exhaust vacant retail supply within the forecast period.