January 08, 2024
Heathcote Library is a secluded space without any street presence making it very inaccessible. It is also space constrained, limiting the ability to deliver contemporary library services which can respond to growing and changing community needs. Heathcote Library plays an essential role in supporting community connection, engagement, and learning outcomes. The project is needed as Heathcote Library is falling below the minimum recommended floor space standard for current and future population levels, impacting the library’s ability to offer flexible programs and community activities.
Project Goals
The project will deliver an expanded and welcoming, inclusive and flexible Heathcote Library co-located within a community hub. Available space for library services will be doubled. Library open hours will be extended with integrated staff ratio models. The proposed community hub incorporating Heathcote Library project will deliver a co-designed community hub which supports the diverse and changing community needs in an inclusive manner.
REMPLAN’s Involvement
REMPLAN was tasked with developing a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) to outline the Net Present Value (NPV) of the project and to determines the associated cost benefit ratio (CBR) considering capital investment, operational costs and benefits associated with two scenarios:
The CBA considers readily quantifiable project elements including costs, revenues, and user benefits.
The CBA determined the project’s net present value of $13.8 million, that is there is a net gain valued at $13.8 million over the 20-year period. The CBR demonstrated that for every dollar of cost associated with the development of the hub there is an economic benefit likely to be valued at up to $2.85, that is under a 7 per cent discount rate the ratio of costs to benefits is $1.00 to $2.85.
Successful funding of $2,031,610 for the Heathcote Civic Precinct incorporating Heathcote Library.
Tools Used