Case Studies

Goldfields Tourism

Goldfields Tourism is a not-for-profit committee charged with the advocacy, marketing and development of the Goldfields Track. The Goldfields Track is a 210km, point-to-point track traversing historic towns and beautiful forests from Bendigo to Ballarat in Victoria’s Goldfields Region.

Goldfields Tourism

Tourism & Culture


The use of off-road trails by walkers and cyclists is both a resident pastime and part of the growing Cultural and Adventure Tourism market in Victoria.

Despite this growing participation and ongoing investment in tracks and trails, marketing and promotion of the Goldfields ‘cycling and walking product’ was inconsistent and uncoordinated, resulting in relatively low levels of awareness and restrained return on investment.

Project Goals

Goldfields Tourism were seeking $1.288 million in funding to develop and deliver a complete tourism product that promoted the assets of the Goldfields Region, benefited local businesses and encouraged healthy lifestyles.

The project aimed to prepare a compelling, evidence-based plan that outlined the delivery and ongoing implementation of the tourism product.

REMPLAN’s Involvement

REMPLAN was the principal consultant for the project, coordinating stakeholder engagement, undertaking economic modelling and preparing of the final master plan on behalf of Goldfields Tourism.

REMPLAN’s regional economic model was utilised to establish base data for the project. REMPLAN economic impact and tourism modelling software was then applied to estimate the resulting benefits to the region as a result of the project.


Goldfields Tourism now has a compelling document, in the Ride Walk Goldfields Master Plan, for use as an advocacy tool and as supporting documentation in funding applications.

Preparation of the Master Plan was one of the driving factors supporting the project, which was prepared and delivered after engagement with numerous agencies and stakeholders across the region.

The Master Plan outlined a 5-year plan for delivery of physical infrastructure, development of an online tourism platform, roll-out of a business support program and ongoing implementation of marketing and product development. The preparation of the Master Plan incorporated an evidence-based approach to deliver a compelling case for the project.


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