28 Jun 2016 Census data is out and REMPLAN are hard at work!
The ACT, Victoria and Western Australia experienced the fastest population growth between 2011 and 2016, with each increasing by 11%. In 2016, more than two-thirds of Australians lived in a capital city.
Between Censuses, the number of people living in capital cities grew nearly twice as fast as the number of people living outside of capital cities (10.5% and 5.7% respectively). Sydney remained the largest city in Australia, growing by an average of 1,656 people per week between the 2011 and 2016 Censuses. Melbourne however is catching up, growing by an average of 1,859 people per week over the same period.
In relation to incomes, the median personal income across Australia was $662 per week in 2016, an increase from $577 per week in 2011. The ACT remained the state or territory with the highest median income at $998 per week. Tasmania also remained the state with the lowest median income – $573 per week.
This is a busy and exciting time for the REMPLAN team who are hard at work to ensure your staff access software and public online profiles for REMPLAN Economy and REMPLAN Community will reflect the 2016 Census data releases as soon as possible.
REMPLAN Community subscribers now have access to the “2016 Preliminary Data” tab in your REMPLAN Community staff access software which provides a variety of demographic reports by local government area, suburb and SA2 geographical boundaries. The “2016 Preliminary Data” is reflective of ABS’s preliminary release of 2016 Census data.
Here are the key 2016 Census release dates:
- 27 June 2017: Preliminary release of the 2016 Census demographic (or “place of usual residence”) data.
- 4 July 2017: Detailed release of 2016 Census demographic data, your REMPLAN Community subscriptions are currently being updated to reflect this release, and we are on track to have these updated by mid-July.
- October 2017: A further 2016 Census release will occur, detailing place of work by industry, your REMPLAN Economy subscriptions will be updated to reflect this release within a fortnight of ABS release.
All 2016 Census updates are included as part of your existing subscription.
Now is a good time to book in a training session to ensure you will get the most out of your new data!
Call the REMPLAN team now 1300 737 443.
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