11 Apr
Effectively connecting with local
businesses – targeting is key
Effectively engaging with local businesses is a fundamental aspect of a council’s role in economic development. And we all know that effective engagement starts with targeted engagement.
But to target our business engagement strategies, and delivery of other services for that matter, we need a comprehensive and up to date database of existing businesses. This is where Australian Business Register (ABR) comes in.
How can ABR data help?
The Australian Business Register (ABR) is part of the Australian Tax Office and captures powerful data on businesses operating across Australia. Local, state and federal government agencies are able to access this data to assist them with their work.
ABR data is updated weekly and can be used to support funding applications, strategic planning, economic development, customer service delivery and engagement with local businesses. The data has many applications, including:
- Service delivery – promoting new government services or grants, advising or regulatory changes, licensing of business activities and identifying and supporting new businesses.
- Disaster response and recovery –identifying businesses in a disaster affecte3d area to target the delivery of support and assistance.
- Procurement – validating suppliers’ ABNs, identifying local suppliers and trades people for council initiatives and conflict of interest checks.
- Planning and economic development –identifying changes in business growth and composition by area, informing strategic and land use planning, measuring economic performance.
- Compliance activities – validating business details, risk profiling, work planning and site visits.
What does REMPLAN do that can make using ABR data easier?
REMPLAN has developed software with advanced mapping, reporting and customer relationship management capabilities to help planning and economic development professionals manage their ABR data as part of their government roles.
REMPLAN’s Business Analysis ModuleTMdelivers comprehensive and up to date information on businesses in your municipality by:
- Immediate delivery of a comprehensive and current database of local business records.
- Sorted, geo-coded and precisely mapped ABR data.
- Incorporating and reconciling ABR data with Council’s existing business database.
- Transparent editing by tracking user updates.
At REMPLAN, we are happy to share our experience in working with the ABR data and are keen to learn about your projects and the insights you are seeking. Contact us to see how we can help you in your organisation.
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