23 Jan REMPLAN Data Update – ABS National Accounts, Tourism, Unemployment
Your REMPLAN data has been updated!
This is the last major update of your data prior to releases by the ABS of the 2016 Census data scheduled for June and October 2017. Planning is underway to ensure the prompt updating of your REMPLAN Economy and Community datasets following the ABS official release dates. Stay tuned!
This update incorporates the following important changes:

Gross State Product
Captures the contributions of 114 industry sectors to Gross Domestic Product and provides updated insight into workers’ wages and salaries and productivity.
Tourism Satellite Account
Defines the contributions of visitor expenditure and how this demand for goods and services supports jobs and the broader economy.
Labour Force and Small Area Labour Market (SALM)
The ABS Labour Force Survey and the Department of Employment SALM release quarterly estimates of workforce participation and unemployment rates …providing valuable insights into the performance of state and local economies and the provision of jobs.
Subscribers to REMPLAN Economy (staff login software and data) are able to access the updated data via www.remplanlogin.com.au/economy. The updated datasets will appear with the (Dec 2016) suffix when you log into REMPLAN.
The image below shows a new (Dec 2016) dataset at the top of the regions list, located under the ‘Regions’ tab.
REMPLAN public-access online economy and community profiles have also been updated to incorporate the new data. Please click on the images below to view examples:
REMPLAN Economy Profile – Tourism Data
REMPLAN Community Profile – Unemployment Rate
The team at REMPLAN are here to respond to any questions regarding the latest economic data for your region, as well as the upcoming release of the ABS 2016 Census.
We are also available to provide REMPLAN software training, presentations and management briefings on your area’s economy.
Let’s talk: 1300 737 443
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