09 Nov REMPLAN Major Projects and Investment Profile
One of the best ways to be successful in attracting future investment is to demonstrate a successful track record in delivering major projects and facilitating investment.
This is the simple yet self-evident concept that underpinned the initial discussions between the Pilbara Development Commission (PDC), Western Australia and REMPLAN regarding the development of an online public-access ‘Major Projects and Investment Profile’.
The objective of the profile was to deliver a single portal to provide insights into the current level of investment and activity which is occurring in the region to inform government, investors, business and the community. Other requirements were that the profile be able to be administered by the PDC, that current major projects as well as future investment opportunities be presented, and that the profile incorporate a mapping interface.
Following close collaboration between the PDC and REMPLAN the Pilbara Investment Profile is now live.
The ‘Admin Console’ for the Investment Profile allows PDC staff to document and archive all major project and investment related documentation, web links, maps, images and FAQs all in one place. To date, PDC staff have documented more than 50 major project and investment opportunities, and at their discretion these can be published and showcased on the profile.
Publish and showcase major projects on the investment profile as required.
The admin console is proving to be a useful resource for responding to internal requests for project related documents, even if that project isn’t currently published to the investment profile. Over time it is envisaged that the admin console will represent a valuable archive of past project information.
Providing external audiences with insights regarding major projects and investment opportunities is made easy with a range of link and social media options.
Following the successful delivery of Pilbara’s Investment Profile we are now offering this new economic development resource to other REMPLAN clients. The Investment Profiles can be delivered as part of a package alongside existing REMPLAN profiles:
…And the REMPLAN Investment Profiles can also be delivered as a standalone resource.
For existing REMPLAN Economy or Community subscribers, Investment Profiles are available for an additional annual fee per region of:
$3,995 (Inc. GST)
As a standalone resource, the annual subscription fee per region for an Investment Profile is:
$4,995 (Inc. GST)
REMPLAN is available to assist with the editing, formatting and presentation of project and investment opportunity content, including text, images, maps, supporting documents, links and FAQs. Where relevant, REMPLAN is also available to undertake economic impact modelling in relation to projects and present as engaging info-graphics with links to REMPLAN Economy and Community resources (see example below). REMPLAN’s hourly rate is $325 (Inc. GST).
Major Project Economic Impact Analysis
Please contact the team at REMPLAN to discuss an Investment Profile for your region: 1300 737 443
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