20 Mar LGA Tourism Data Update
REMPLAN is pleased to announce that we have updated REMPLAN economic data following the recent release of Local Government Area (LGA) profiles by Tourism Research Australia (TRA).
“Tourism Research Australia (TRA) first developed Local Government Area tourism profiles in 2007 to assist industry and Government decision making and to identify and support investment opportunities, particularly in regional Australia. The latest profiles provide an update for over 200 Local Government Areas. Data are drawn from TRA’s International Visitor Survey (IVS) and National Visitor Survey (NVS), along with demographic and business data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).” Tourism Research Australia March 2015
REMPLAN Economy subscribers can access the updated data online at:
www.remplanlogin.com.au. The updated datasets will appear at the top of your regions list with the (Mar 2015) suffix when you log into REMPLAN.
www.remplanlogin.com.au. The updated datasets will appear at the top of your regions list with the (Mar 2015) suffix when you log into REMPLAN.
If you click on the ‘Tourism’ tab, you will be able to select ‘Visitor Profile’ from the left hand side menu. The Tourism Expenditure data source is shown at the bottom of the right hand side information pane (please refer to the screenshot below):

REMPLAN public-access online economic profiles have also been updated to incorporate the new tourism data: www.economicprofile.com.au/
Please click on the image below for an example of an economic profile which incorporates the new LGA tourism data. The Tourism tab contains Visitor Expenditure data, with the source quoted below the table of data.
Please do not hesitate to contact the team at REMPLAN should you have any questions: 1300 737 443.
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