05 Aug Using REMPLAN for Economic Modelling, Impact Analysis and Cost / Benefit Assessments
REMPLAN is region specific and provides analytical resources featuring detailed economic and demographic data providing strategic insights into your region.
REMPLAN Economy is used by Councils and Economic Development agencies for submissions, reports and assessment of developments and initiatives which require an “Economic Assessment”. The following provides some examples of how our Clients are using REMPLAN to assist in the assessment of a potential development, existing precinct or the contribution of an industry sector (eg, Tourism, Health).
By using REMPLAN, reports are quickly generated reporting on impacts on Gross Regional Product, as well as the direct and indirect impacts on:
- Output,
- Employment,
- Wages & Salaries,
- Value added
Reporting can be conducted for the construction and operational phases when assessing proposed developments, community facilities and infrastructure, for example.
Below are some links to publically accessible documents, that have either been developed by REMPLAN for our clients and linked to their webpages, or reports that have been generated with input from REMPLAN Economy.
RDA Mid North Coast: Health Sector Economic Indicators Report
The report was produced by RDA Mid North Coast, “in response to a request from the Mid North Coast Local Health District. The Health Care and Social Assistance sector is now the largest employing sector in Australia and in the Mid North Coast region. The sector also makes significant contributions to the Gross Regional Product of the Mid North Coast – currently representing 11% of the regions GRP.
Economic analysis in this report was undertaken using REMPLAN (Regional Economic Modelling and Analysis System) and applies REMPLAN economic data for the defined region which includes data sourced from the ABS 2006 and 2011 Census, National Input-Output Tables and ABS Gross State Product (June 2010;2011;2012).”
This report was produced by AFL Victoria and presented at the 2013 Victoria Local Government Forum. The presentation highlighted the following conclusions regarding the Economic Impact of Australian Football.
- Sport and Recreation is a genuine, rapidly growing and longterm contributor to local economies with annual job growth of 3.6% (almost as high as Victoria’s biggest and fastest growing employing industry: Health and Social Services).
- Australian Football is among the largest Sport and Recreation sectors in Victoria (after only horse racing).
- Attracting Australian football events can be an important part of local tourism.
- In every Victorian municipality, Australian football is a medium to large business activity, often as large as some of the Cities/Shires key manufacturing, agricultural or service businesses.
- The overall economic contribution is greatest in metropolitan and major provincial cities, but the relative importance is often higher in urban and rural regions.
Surf Coast Shire is part of the broader Great Ocean Road that spans over 200 km from the City of Greater Geelong in the East through to Glenelg Shire in the West which meets the border with South Australia. The Great Ocean Road region supports an estimated 126,404 jobs, of which 5,938 jobs are in the Surf Coast Shire. The report detailed the unique structure of tourism for the Surf Coast Shire. and examined the contribution made to the Surf Coast Shire by the various industry sectors that comprise the tourism industry, highlighting the importance of the tourism industry to the Surf Coast Shire. A key objective of this study has been to estimate the proportion of tourism related jobs that are supported by the demand for goods and services by visitors to the municipality, as opposed to demand by local residents.
REMPLAN prepared an Economic Impact Assessment in response to a request from Department of Development, Tourism and the Arts to assess the economic benefits of tourism in Flinders Island, Tasmania. The report details the unique structure of tourism for Flinders Island in terms of employment, output, wages and salaries and value-added, and examines tourism’s contribution to the local economy relative to the other industry sectors. The supply chain linkages between tourism and the other industry sectors in the local economy were identified to determine for each dollar of output generated by tourism, how much intermediate goods and services will be sought in the local region. These local supply chains provided the basis for estimating the multiplying impact of tourism to the local economy.
Eastern Goldfields Regional Prison (EGRP) Redevelopment – Goldfields Esperance Development Commission (GEDC)
An Economic Impact Assessment was conducted by REMPLAN in response to a request by Greater Geelong City Council with respect to the proposed Geelong Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases. The specific purpose of the report was to identify the potential direct and indirect economic impacts for the City of Greater Geelong regional economy from the construction of infrastructure associated with Geelong Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases (GCEID). The economic impacts are detailed in terms of:
- Output / Revenue ($ M)
- Employment (Jobs)
- Value-added ($ M)
The analysis also assesses the operational benefits of GCEID for the local economy as well as the contributions the GCEID would make to safeguarding agribusiness across Australia.
REMPLAN prepared a report in response to a request from Yarra Ranges Shire Council to assess the likely economic benefits of The Yarra Valley Regional Tourist Precinct and Rail Link Project. Currently the Yarra Valley Railway is running from Healesville to Tunnel Hill. The Council is seeking the funding to extend the tracks to connect two popular tourist towns of Yarra Glen and Healesville.
City of Yarra, Benefit Cost Assessment of Yarra’s Night Time Economy
REMPLAN conducted a Cost / Benefit Assessment for Yarra City Council to assess Yarra’s “Night Time Economy” (NTE). The Cost / benefit analysis in this report was undertaken using REMPLAN – economic modelling and planning system2. This study applies REMPLAN economic data for the defined regions of the City of Yarra Local Government Area (LGA) and disaggregates to destination zones within the municipality where the night time activities are located.

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