31 Oct Strategic Regional Leadership Conference
REMPLAN are proud to announce that we are a premium sponsor of the RDA Mid North Coast Strategic Regional Leadership Conference, Port Macquarie – 26th October 2012.
There is a fantastic line-up of speakers this year, including the following Keynote Speakers:
Date, Location and Cost
The one day Strategic Regional Leadership Conference (co-located in 2012 with the International Year for Cooperatives National Conference will address the relationship between a diverse economy and catalysts for local economic and community development to build capacity, manage, stimulate and expand investment opportunities including the population expansion in regions.
The communication revolution is the catalyst for change in Regional Australia. If distance is no longer a disadvantage the requirement for innovative change is critical for Industry and Government. The Health services sector in the growing ageing demographic has significant impact on labour force, skills development and the economy. In regional Australia skill development has traditionally been focussed on the direct labour market needs for the local area. With a mobile and skilled workforce required across the nation the importance of regional education provision is now paramount. New regionalism is creating models for diverse and agile economic development. In response the 2012 Strategic Leadership Regional Conference has identified three integrated priorities to be explored – Health, Wealth & Learning.
This conference is aimed at inspiring leadership in Government, Industry and the Community to embrace change and by learning from experts and field practitioners to generate and facilitate strategies aimed at identifying gaps and capitalising on opportunities.
The conference will again include the successful Conversations on the Lounge with topics that include:
“Healthy, Wealthy & Wise” – Health is the ultimate wealth, however in creating wealth; it requires a healthy physical and mental body.
“Catalysing the change” – The communication revolution is upon us. Like the industrial revolution there are those who embrace the change and will flourish but there are the Luddites who remain in denial until it’s too late.
Inspiring Strategies for Leadership to facilitate positive change
“Healthy, Wealthy & Wise” – Health is the ultimate wealth, however in creating wealth; it requires a healthy physical and mental body.
“Catalysing the change” – The communication revolution is upon us. Like the industrial revolution there are those who embrace the change and will flourish but there are the Luddites who remain in denial until it’s too late.
Inspiring Strategies for Leadership to facilitate positive change
We look forward to a great line up of speakers and welcome the opportunity to meet with conference participants. Feel free to visit the REMPLAN stand.

Website: www.regionalleadership.net.au
Twitter: @rda_leadership
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