12 Jan Swan Hill Rural City Council Economic Development Strategy 2011-2016 (Adopted Oct 2011)
“The Swan Hill Rural City Economic Development Strategy 2011- 2016 (EDS) is the key strategic document that will guide Swan Hill Rural City Council (SHRCC) through the implementation of economic development activities within the Local Government Area (LGA) for the next five years.
Developed with high-level stakeholder input and guidance from an EDS subcommittee, consisting of members of SHRCC and its Economic Development Unit (EDU), the document identifies five strategic themes deemed, by SHRCC through its Council Plan, as critical to the economic prosperity of the municipality. The document incorporates information collated from an extensive community consultation process around each of the below mentioned strategic themes; consultation was conducted from October 2010 to August 2011. Statistical information and analysis has been produced by economic modelling software, REMPLAN (www.remplan.com.au), which utilises Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) census data. Additional desk research has been conducted by EDU staff and is referenced throughout.”
References to REMPLAN:
3.3 Employment, Pg. 9

4.2 Manuafcturing, Pg. 10

4.4 Tourism, Pg. 12

To view the full Swan Hill Rural City Council Economic Development Strategy 2011-2016, follow this link: http://www.swanhill.vic.gov.au/council/documents/images/SWA11304%20Economic%20Development%20Strategy%20revised%202011%20V9.pdf
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