Case Studies

Murrindindi Native Forestry Transition: Economic Impact Assessment

Murrindindi is rich with natural beauty and culture, where lush green forests, mountain ranges, and winding rivers coexist with a cultural history and local residents.

Murrindindi Native Forestry Transition: Economic Impact Assessment

Strategy & Engagement


At the end of 2019, the Victorian Government announced the Native Forest Transition Package to support Victoria’s forest industry in transitioning away from native forestry sources by the beginning of 2024. To support communities potentially impacted by the transition, Murrindindi Shire Council sought analysis to quantify the potential scale of these outcomes. The aim is to establish local programs that support businesses and the community during the economic transition and to seek state government support for the development of their economy. 

Project Goals

Murrindindi Shire required an assessment of the potential economic impact of transitioning away from native forestry on its industry and workforce. This assessment included: 

  • A socio-economic analysis outlining the current scale and characteristics of the industry.  
  • An economic impact analysis across various transition scenarios to reflect the potential outcomes of the transition from native forestry.  


REMPLAN’s Involvement

REMPLAN analysed the Victorian native forestry sector to determine the scale and importance in terms of local jobs, supply chains, and market demand. In addition, a socio-economic profile of Murrindindi’s resident demographics, current workforce, and the local industry’s estimated output, employment, and value-added were completed. Following this context, REMPLAN compiled an Economic Impact Assessment (EIA) to provide a preliminary estimate of the potential economic impact of three scenarios: 

  • Total loss of forestry and logging workers from the region; 
  • Partial retention of forestry and logging workers within the region in alternative, related industries; and 
  • Majority/full retention of forestry and logging workers within the region in alternative, related industries.    



Further work was compiled by Murrindindi Shire Council, including Shaping Murrindindi’s Future, a community-led initiative for those directly impacted by the transition away from native timber harvesting.  

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