December 01, 2023
Gilgandra Shire Council (Council) operates multiple community support services at the Gilgandra Youth Club complex, which also houses a fitness centre and local sports clubs. The existing Youth Club facilities are substandard, limiting the range and availability of services and activities, posing safety risks for sports participants, and restricting accessibility for individuals with limited mobility.
Project Goals
Council aims to develop the Hunter Park Multipurpose Youth and Sports Facility (Hunter Park Facility) to address current deficiencies, ensure the continuation and expansion of regionally significant community support services, and improve local sports and recreational outcomes for the community. The Hunter Park Facility aims to extend access to modern and accessible youth and fitness amenities, whilst consolidating the delivery of community sport services. To attract public funding to the facility, Council require a business case to evaluate the project’s viability as evidence to their submission to the Growing Regional Economies Fund.
REMPLAN’s Involvement
REMPLAN developed a comprehensive business case, comprising the following components:
Cost benefit analysis concludes an estimated net benefit of $5.4 million over a 20-year period with a CBR of $1: $1.36. Gilgandra Shire Council is actively advocating for state and federal governments to support the development.